Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Crabs in a Barrel

After upon waking up in the morning, I usually try my best to start my day as healthy as possible. I usually start by reading, most times. Usually theres some thought irking me, mainly about some larger injustice or inequality that may or maybe not personally effecting me. Recently I picked an anniversary chip for 3 years of sobriety( I would have had 9 years).

Im currently staying at my parents house for time being in the North Side of Jacksonville. Usually upon going to galleries, musuems, parks or the occasional coffee shops. Which are in the polar opposite parts of town from where I'm currently staying. I notice things that disturbs me, attitudes and social behaviors. Behaviors that shunned in one area get celebrated in another. I was blessed with the gift of looking at the word with a different set of lenses, im a artist actually. It seems because I could render an object in a two dimension space ( ref. drawing and painting). that opened doors out my enviroment and I was exposed to many different cultures. Ultimately altering my perspective and widening my view of the world. So imagine having multicultural view of life and observing groups of people that seemingly locked in a particular way of viewing the world. Its fustrating to say the least. I remember feeling like I was being interrogated for going to the multi-cultural parts of town by one member of my family. My reply was "Shit I'm a artist!" and I need to be around weirdo's as I call creatives, because it makes me feel like I'm not alone in the world.

In urban areas we deal with the social injustices which seeming gets passed down from one generation to the next. Certain things are worn like a badge of honor that should be disguarded. In these areas the system is set up to create the dealers, the addicts, the muderers, the robbers, and etc... Almost not giving the people a honest and fair chance at making more healthy choices to set there lives in a positive direction. We need more options creating more opportunities in these areas. We carry around what I term as " Grandma Ideology" Being that if your grandparents did things a certain way your parents ( the following generation) did and do things the exact same way. You dont question things and just follow. Not realizing that your grandparents did things a certain way because of the times they lived in. Im speaking primarily about African American culture. Certain attitudes, rules, and regulations no longer apply or even resonate with modern society. Those attitudes actually stop us from growing as a culture and evolving as race. A sinse healthy pride is necassary, but what we keep in high esteem ultimately keeps the black community mentally enslaved.

just me,
originally journalled 2.28.13 

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