Friday, January 17, 2014


The bi agenda , the hidden conspiracy. Does not being bi-sexual make you less intelligent or less nurturing person. Am I less creative because of my sexual preferences only toward women. Is being straight a crime in today's society. When corporations or “schools” have too much say so in “one’s” (he or she ) sexual preferences.  Also having communities vote on what or whom the individual “make”.  To me I think if you let  an outside force dictate what or whom you can be or your personal taste or what to think or what not think, your just a robot or zombie? I think that’s bullshit! Where is the choice, we all have power the create reality of own personal choosing.  Hold on to what we know to be true and those unmovable points and post in our lives that make the fabric of whom and what we are.  Our experiences not anothers. No group or individual should have no authority to dictate what true in anothers world and force the there agendas. I don’t honestly believe that being gay is a real state of being it’s nothing other than  just genetic splicing or just hybriding. Theres no truth in that! So I cant acknowledge it as such.

  An acronym for GOD I once heard was Good Orderly Direction. But what happens when the directions isn't good at all. Is that “good” just what might personally the suit the person or certain groups there selfish agendas. Is that good motivated by greed  and perverse pleasures.

  Me I don’t hate the LBGT community and I believe in a lot the causes they fight for.  But I do hate the hidden agendas, that aren’t that well hidden in my world. That on the surface what looks like the persecuted and the defenseless are actually the aggressors and the provokers. 

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